A wilderness discovery tour of the North West Slopes

Curracabundi wilderness – 4 big ridges and 4 streams
Car camping options:
Woko camp ground on the Manning River is nearest Gloucester and the commencement point for the walk described in the trip report or perhaps a lazy car camp by the Manning River.
The Moors - a 5 day mid north coast walk in Myall Lakes National Park
The Moors is an easy walk and for flat terrain it is a really nice wetland wilderness walk. It is, however, surprisingly tiring when walking on sand for hours, especially for younger legs. If new to the area or of course if you are walking with children, I suggest you plan for shorter days than this walk suggests.
Yengo Wilderness – an underrated walkers paradise
Yengo is a great bush walking destination, being a classic, heavily dissected sandstone plateau wilderness of interlocking spurs that rises above the Hunter Valley toward Mount Yengo (668m), a prominent basalt peak. It is not as rugged as other parts of the Greater Blue Mountains World Heritage Area, and finding passes through low clifflines above streams is usually straight forward.